ACCOUNTANTS CLB Coopers, based in Chorley New Road, did their bit to make a charity's finances look brighter.

Staff raised £650 for MedEquip4Kids at its annual golf day through a Charity Chip event.

The charity aims to buy a blood gas analyser for the central maternity delivery suite at the Royal Bolton Hospital.

Partner Mike Garrett said: "It was great to raise a good amount of money for MedEquip4Kids at this year's event.

"I'm sure it will go some way to support the current fundraising efforts."

The suite handles more than 1,800 births a year and one in ten babies need some sort of intervention to avoid serious complications at birth.

Samantha Archibald of MedEqip4Kids said: "CLB Coopers pulled out all the stops for us.

"We are delighted and very grateful for their donation."