BREAKFAST is said to be the most important meal - and staff at a Farnworth primary school are ensuring youngsters are getting the best possible start to the day.

Children are queueing up to the join Cherry Tree school's own breakfast club.

Headteacher Anthea Michel said: "We felt there was a need for a breakfast club for the children because mornings in a busy household can often be fraught.

"Since it started more children have joined up. We have around 20 children every morning sitting around a table eating breakfast and talking. It is relaxing for them before the school day starts."

Bolton School Meals provides the food and staff give up their time to run the club.

"Even though it has only been going a couple of weeks, we have noticed a difference in some children who seem to concentrate more in class," said Miss Michel.

This week the school received £990 from Asda in Farnworth towards buying new classroom furniture.

The store entered a competition run by the food company Muller, which rewarded the supermarket which sold the most yoghurts under its brand. The money would then be donated to a local cause.

"The school has been supported by the store in the past and has very good links with it. This money will make a big difference in replacing tables and chairs which are very old," said Miss Michel.