PRIMARY school youngsters in Ramsbottom are helping to transform the lives of South African children. And the results have been seen first-hand by Noelene Searles, an after-school club supervisor spearheading a long-term fundraising campaign by the pupils of Peel Brow Primary for the Magalelagase Primary School near Johannesburg.

For the last three years the school has been holding charity events and Noelene travelled back there last month to present the latest fundraising cheque for £550.

She said: "I took over some pictures drawn by the Peel Brow children and the African children sent pictures back.

"When I first went over many years ago, the school did not have anything but we have helped fit out the sick room with beds as a lot of the children have AIDS."

The money donated was collected from a 1960s-theme night held at The Railway pub in Bridge Street along with the proceeds from cake sales at the Fir Street school. The school is also planning to arrange more fundraisers closer to Christmas.

Noelene added: "Our children think it is so different and fascinated that our winter is their summer.

"The school has not got a lot of money and I think we have highlighted that and the government has now built them a kitchen. They are only little ideas but they are making a difference. Our children seem to have so much but there is something about African children and they smile"