IT was pleasing to see the enormous head and shoulders shots of Labour and Lib Dem leaders Wayne Campbell and Tim Pickstone on the Letters page last week ('We're disappointed by Conservatives' move not to back energy bills').

What with all the glossy free council newspapers, election leaflets and other communications throughout the year, it must be nice for constituents to be able to put a face to the name. For those of us who have been around for a while, the fact that consensus has apparently broken out on the Labour /Liberal Democrat benches makes for a brief nostalgic moment or two.

Hopefully, the Bury Times will be on hand with fetching photos of the next 'big' announcements such as Tim and Wayne breaking out the corporate custard creams in a caring, sharing, Christmas kind of mood. And, better yet, Tim and Wayne and their respective 'teams' bonding at the Megabowl over a game of ten pin bowling as they discuss their latest consensus gig. A new Lib-Lab pact in time for next May's council elections, perhaps? Now that would be something to report!