Mr David Lindsley (a member of the Holcombe Brook Society) presented a programme on the French composer Gabriel Faure to the Bury & District Recorded music Circle. David gave a brief but thorough summary of Faure's life interspersed with pieces of his music.

He told the members of the great influence Saint-Saens had in Faure's career, constantly coming to the rescue when he lost his posts through neglect of duty etc.

Like Beethoven, Faure suffered a gradual deafness, becoming profoundly deaf in later life, but carried on composing nevertheless.

Faure caused quite a rift in the French circles by his support of the compositions of Richard Wagner, which influenced his own writings and caused him to write his opera Penelope. Unfortunately the premier was overshadowed by the opening of the Starvinsky ballet Rites of Spring and never recieved the aclaim it merited. David played the only piece available from this opera, the Prelude, We heard among others, part of the Dolly Suite, Cantique de Jean Racine, his Pavane and various songs.

Faure lived the latter part of his life with a female companion many years his junior whom he outlived. He was devastated and died a lonely man.

David was warmly applauded for his programme delivered in professional manner with a generous touch of humour.

On Friday member Harry Cartwright presents George Lloyd - the Man and his Music.