BOLTON North-east MP David Crausby is to meet with a group of headteachers from his constituency to discuss the future of education.

In particular, he wants to hear their views on the Education White Paper, Better Schools for All.

Under the Government proposals all new schools must be either independently-run "trust schools or foundation schools - free from council controls.

A leaked report by a Commons select committee investigating the proposals showed that moves to allow schools to set admission policies will be opposed. The select committees draft report said that fair access should take priority over "choice.

It said that councils should set the numbers of poorer pupils that each school should take, and called for restrictions on the assets new "trust" schools could sell off.

The report is believed to be a way for the Government to make concessions to rebels to avert a disastrous Commons defeat.

The controversy over the reforms has put new pressure on Education Secretary Ruth Kelly.

Mr Crausby said: "Although the White Paper contains some good proposals, such as subsidised school transport, I do have serious concerns about making sure that all pupils are given a fair chance to get into a school and are not selected simply on the basis of ability.

"I also believe that democratically elected local councils should keep their role in how our schools are run and would oppose any moves to water this down."