The article "Elderly in a living hell" (February 8) gave a misleading impression that people caring for elderly relatives are "often" inflicting verbal, physical, sexual or financial abuse on their relatives and that the problem is "widespread".

People who are caring for family members who have an illness or disability or who have increasing needs as they get older do not "often" abuse their relatives.

There are isolated cases of abuse and any form of abuse is unacceptable. However, the vast majority of people caring for a family member - son, daughter, husband, wife or an elderly parent - do so out of love and a wish to help that person live as independently as possible.

It was ironic that on the same day as the Bolton Evening News printed the story, you also reported that a local MP was supporting this week's ITV "Who Cares?" campaign. There have been short clips on the ITV news highlighting the mental and physical demands that caring for a family member makes on the carer. The "Who Cares?" campaign is calling for a champion within the government to help tackle some of the problems faced by carers. Those isolated cases where abuse happens in a caring situation can result from years of caring without any support.

Please put the record straight - the majority of carers are providing practical, physical and emotional support to family members because they want to and because of bonds of family love and affection. They should be supported, not maligned.

Michelle Clarke

Chief Officer

Bolton Carers Support

23 Chorley New Road
