HAVING worked in the Home Care Service for 25 years, before I retired last year, I feel I have to reply to your article about the Home Care Service (Who will be looking after me now, February 8).

The Council chiefs say one of the reasons they have changed the service is because the home care workers would not accept new contracts. I do agree that they were asked to sign contracts, but to say that they only provide service Monday to Friday is wrong.

Home care workers were employed Monday to Friday (different shifts), and Saturday and Sunday (different shifts). The workers at weekends were only employed to work then, but helped out through the week, as did the workers through the week help out at weekends.

We worked in team patches, mostly in the area where we lived, and this worked well, as the clients would get to know every home care worker in the patch, and we would know all about the clients needs.

I feel that over the last two years the home care workers have not been given the respect they deserve, and workers have been off with stress.

So council chiefs, lets have a few home truths money is the main issue here not the wellbeing of the clients.

Also how about a thank you to the home care workers for the reliable and excellent services they have provided over the years.

Jean Allen

Hazelwood Road
