ROGUE traders have been tricking elderly people in Bolton into having unnecessary work carried out on their homes.

They have called on householders and offered free damp surveys.

Trading Standards officers in Bolton said the traders had then used bullying tactics to get people to sign contracts for unnecessary, over-priced and poor-quality work.

They are now warning all residents - particularly the elderly - not to deal with the firm from London which is using the name "Home Improvement Advisory Service."

They are urging anyone who has been approached by the company to get in tough with the Trading Standards department.

It is believed the rogue traders have struck across the North-west, using different company names.

A number of elderly residents in Bolton have already fallen victim to the firm.

One female pensioner paid £1,200 for a job, for which a surveyor had originally quoted as £2,500 before the victim knocked down the price.

The woman handed over a cheque - and it was only later, after workmen had gone, that she discovered that the work had not been done as promised The 75-year-old woman, who lives at Astley Bridge and did not want to be named, said she wanted to stop anyone else falling victim to these conmen.

"It happened so quickly, I was completely swept away. It was only when they had gone that I thought something wasn't right.

"A man and woman turned up with a clip board offering to do the survey. I then received a phone call later that day saying a surveyor would be there the next morning.

"He came and 10 minutes after he had gone, the workmen turned up.

"It was only later that a neighbour told me she had seen two cars parked at the bottom of the road. I think they were all just sitting there waiting.

"It was a well-rehearsed routine and I feel silly now that I have fallen for it."

Liam Kelly, principal fair trading officer at Trading Standards' Consumer Advice Centre, warned householders to be wary of all traders who call unannounced and offer to do work of any kind.

He said: "We are advising people not to deal with this business. They have been targeting the elderly. We are also urging people to keep an eye out for their elderly relatives, friends or neighbours to make sure they are not targeted by such conmen.

"The law states that it is an offence not to inform people that they have a seven-day cooling period after signing any agreement as a result of a cold call.

"These workmen have not been telling people this, but they have been starting the work 10 minutes after they have signed the contract."

The Trading Standards Consumer Advice Centre can be contacted on 01204 338965.