WAYNE Rooney's back in Germany after the scan on his metatarsal predicts he MAY be fit to take part in later stages of the World Cup.

This review of the morning papares has been compiled by the Press Association.

THE SUN: Wayne Rooney flew back to Germany last night telling his England pals: Count me in.

DAILY MIRROR: Wayne Rooney flew back into the England fold last night - as Sven-Goran Eriksson gambled on his World Cup fitness. Also: Djibril Cisse is fighting for his football future after breaking his leg in a World Cup warm up between France and China last night....

DAILY EXPRESS: Wayne Rooney last night heard the news he and the nation were waiting for when he was given the all-clear by doctors to play in the World Cup. Also: Slumped on his knees, a sharp pain shooting through his ankle, for a few brief moments John Terry feared the end of his World Cup was nigh.

DAILY MAIL: Wayne Rooney flew back to Germany last night on a wing and a prayer after a day of drama and intrigue in Manchester. Also: England supporters have been left short-changed over World Cup tickets, with 21 nations receiving a larger official allocation.

DAILY STAR: England rejoiced last night as Wayne Rooney declared himself fit to play in the World Cup. Also: Wayne Rooney is on course to make his World Cup entry against Sweden as a super-sub....

THE TIMES: Wayne Rooney returned to Germany and the World Cup finals last night, lifting spirits before England's opening match against Paraguay on Saturday, but the "will he, won't he" saga will be replaced by when.

THE DAILY TELEGRAPH: England's World Cup hopes were given a massive boost last night when the decisive scan on Wayne Rooney's broken foot showed that he was ready to rejoin Sven-Goran Eriksson's squad in Germany.

THE INDEPENDENT: Forty days after collapsing in agony at Stamford Bridge, Wayne Rooney was last night passed fit to play in the World Cup finals.

THE GUARDIAN: An exhaustive day of medical checks, frayed tempers and delicate negotiations ended with Wayne Rooney landing back in Germany late last night for the World Cup.

World Cup latest here.