CAMELOT Theme Park is one of the worst tourist attractions when it comes to providing healthy food and drink choices, a report out today claims.

Burgers, chips, fizzy drinks and other junk food are the most common offerings.

And fresh water, fruit and vegetables are in short supply, the Soil Association's snapshot survey of 14 attractions found.

A "secret mum" found no fruit for sale and a "woeful lack" of healthy food and drink on the day she visited, according to the Taking Our Children for a Ride report.

Meal deals included processed meat or fish, chips and fizzy drinks.

Blackpool Pleasure Beach was also named as one of the worst. The researcher spent three hours 45 minutes trying to find fresh fruit before she eventually found melon served with prawns in a bar.

It took her at least an hour to find any fresh fruit at eight of the 14 venues she visited.

"In general, we found that hot dogs, burgers and chips still dominate the choice on offer," the report claims.

"It is also difficult to find a portion of vegetables if you don't care for mushy peas."

A spokesman for Camelot said: "Contrary to the latest report, the number of hot dog stands on site has been reduced to make way for, among others, a pasta outlet serving up nutritious dishes."