FOLLOWING the success of previous general knowledge quizzes, I am adding another to the list, shortly to be published in booklet form entitled "Something to prevent the brain solidifying while waiting for someone to answer an automated telephone system", priced £49.99p from any good book shop. Here are 10 more teasers. Enjoy.

1. Where did Hezbollah get its seemingly endless supply of rockets to fire at Israel? (a) Iran and Syria. (b) Arms dealers acting for weapons manufacturers in the West who do clandestine deals with anyone who has the cash. (c) Mel Gibson.

2. Why do African nations who cannot feed their people spend millions on weapons to wage murderous civil wars? (a) Being shot or bombed is quicker than starving to death. (b) Tribal enmities go on for ever. (c) It keeps arms dealers in luxury yachts, Rolls Royces, champagne and caviar.

3. Now that Great Britain is the 51st United State of America, will we (a) Get the dollar as our official currency. (b) Drive on the right. (c) Have Clint "Dirty Harry" Eastwood as our Home Secretary to "Make our Day" with his Magnum 44.

4. You see someone using a mobile phone driving one-handed. Do you (a) Take the vehicle registration and notify the police (b) Pray for an officer of the law to appear (c) Shrug helplessly as it's the umpteenth example of stupidity already seen that day.

5. Why is there a never-ending supply of people willing to expose themselves to the most embarrassing and humiliating situations on Reality TV shows like Big Brother and Celebrity Wife Beating? (a) They heard from somewhere what Andy Warhol said about 15 minutes of fame. (b) Their ego far outstrips their IQ. (c) They believe they can make a meaningful contribution to the death of entertainment.

6. Public address announcers in supermarkets use annoying vocal inflections because (a) They hope Simon Cowell is shopping there and looking for someone with the X-Factor. (b) They are on the verge of self-destruction through boredom. (c) The manager is at their elbow with a conductor's baton.

7. Parents feed their children fast food because (a) It beats cooking. (b) It never did them any hard. (c)They are brassed off trying to make ends meet on an income derived from a minimum wage or benefits.

8. With the price of fuel, power supplies, rail and bus fares, council tax, etc., forever rising, what are people on fixed incomes, like OAPs supposed to do? (a) Emigrate. ((b) Starve. (c) Die.

9. A crowd of youths approach as you wait for a bus/taxi/walk to your car. Do you (a) Panic. (b) Fall to the ground with a "pretend" heart attack. (c) Fall to the ground with a real heart attack.

10. With so much violence in the world, and the United Nations again exposed as ineffective, should we (a) Convert the UN building into luxury flats, like everywhere else. (b) Ask Tesco to run it. (c) Make George Dubya Bush Emperor of the Planet, or is he that already?