LAST year we had The TARDIS Handbook, and now we have the ultimate guide to The Doctor’s most famous adversaries – The Daleks.

This book could not be more thorough, the 160 pages are packed with information (so much so that the print is quite small in order to get it all in), plus many photographs and artwork to keep even the most avid Dalek fan happy.

Every story that the Daleks have appeared in is looked at, from their first appearance in the Doctor’s second adventure, to their recent regeneration.

There’s also a look at the origins of the Daleks, the planet Skaro and their creator Davros.

It’s not just about the fiction either, there are in-depth analyses of the development of the Daleks, their design and even how their voices were created.

Also, their appearances in books, comics (and they had their own annuals), stage shows and feature films.

The Daleks captured our imaginations and when they first appeared there were many schoolboys of the 1960’s running around the playgrounds with one arm extended (as the sucker) shouting “Exterminate!”.

This book indeed has everything you would ever want to know about them, written in such a way that it is as interesting as if we were watching them on TV.

The Cybermen next perhaps?

Published by BBC Books.

ISBN 978-1-84-990232-8