MOST people will agree when comments are made about “too many chiefs and not enough Indians”.

Those who think like that will no doubt be pleased that lots of individuals who have reached the top of their calling are now being deemed surplus to requirements.

This process is happening in the Ministry of Defence, the civil service, local government (including Bolton Council) and in countless private enterprises.

The traditional uncertainty affecting lesser lights has reached the top and there is a general sense now that everybody is dispensable.

Quite right too, some will feel.

But is it right if countless employees feel their opportunities for modest promotions within their chosen organisation are disappearing in a tide of financial austerity?

Prospects for “getting on”

have always been important to a sense of self worth and a happy workplace.

Take away those chances and we move towards a system that involves one boss/queen/king and lots of unhappy drones.

Putting the wrong buzz in business, I would say.