SCHOOLS seem to be causing their fair share of problems in recent times.

Residents near SS Osmund and Andrew RC primary school in Breightmet have felt for some while that the pupils create a noise nuisance in the playground.

There has been a petition to Bolton Council and the planning committee has now given permission for a £2,000 acoustic fence to be erected.

The school has worked with Children’s Services to sort out the problem voluntarily.

It is easy to suggest that the sound of children at play is delightful, but this school and others have needed extra classrooms to meet a growing demand for places that was not predicted very well.

It seems likely that other residents around the town will now be inspired to lobby for their own acoustic fence.

While I am discussing schools, I cannot resist pointing out that the situation at Hardy Mill Primary School in Harwood proves that it is impossible to keep everybody happy.

Residents at the Belmont View end had endless trouble with parents using cars to take their children to school and collect them at the end of the day.

When it was decided to extend the available facilities, the planning committee agreed to shut that entrance and develop another one, with vehicle access, in Hardy Mill Road.

After all this was decided, parents who found it more convenient to use Belmont View complained about being forced to go round the other side of the school site.

It all makes for heated discussion when the next school year begins shortly.