BOLTON West MP Julie Hilling has defended her latest expenses claim.

As reported in The Bolton News yesterday, Ms Hilling was named as the highest spending MP in Greater Manchester for the two-month period from April to May.

The figures are published every two months by the Independent Parliamentary Standards Authority.

Ms Hilling said: “The last time expenses were published I was one of the lowest spenders among Greater Manchester MPs and this time I’m the highest.

“However, this doesn’t mean I’ve been spending more money, it just illustrates the arbitrary and unclear way our expenses are reported and paid.

“Many of the claims have just been reported were submitted as far back as December but often not paid for several months.

“I believe it is really important our expenses claims are open to public scrutiny but the current system makes it almost impossible to be transparent.”

The MP’s claims were mainly for running the constituency office, accommodation in London and travelling to Westminster each week.