A HEROIN addict broke into a vacant office block and tried to steal two radiators.

Tracy Ginder, aged 44, of Nottingham Drive, Halliwell, was seen climbing into the twostorey building last July.

Staff from a nearby office became suspicious and called police.

They found a man asleep—he was later released without charge — and found Ginder’s fingerprints on two radiators that had been removed from the wall.

Then on September 9, police stopped Ginder in Waterloo Street, Bolton, close to a scrapyard.

They searched her and found a Stanley knife and a carving knife.

Ginder admitted two charges of possessing an offensive weapon and one charge of burglary with intent to steal. The court heard that at the time of the incidents Ginder was homeless and was addicted to drugs, but was now in medium-term accommodation and using blockers to combat her heroin problem.

Recorder Rowena Goode ordered Ginder to complete a 12-month community order, which included a 12-month curfew between 8pm and 6pm