STATISTICS from Crimestoppers show that almost 5,000 pieces of information were passed to police in Greater Manchester from April 2011 to March this year.

It led to 652 people being arrested and charged with crimes — a rise of 17 per cent.

Almost £2 million of drugs were seized, and 11 firearms were recovered.

Edith Conn, chairman of Greater Manchester Crimestoppers, said: “We are very proud to be able to say that Crimestoppers is making a difference.

“It is thanks to those people who pass on information to us that these arrests are made and crimes solved.

“We are receiving more calls year on year, which is leading to more arrests. All this contributes to making Greater Manchester an even safer place to live, work and visit.

“The information we receive is a valuable resource for the police and I must pay tribute to Greater Manchester Police for the action officers take in carrying out investigations and making arrests on the back of this information.”

Crimestoppers can be contacted anonymously on 0800 555 111.