A CRICKET Club was broken into by vandals who stole their ride-on lawnmower and took it for a joyride before dumping and setting fire to it.

The expensive mower was left on the pitch of Heaton Cricket Club in Church Road, while the little tractor used to pull it was driven to a field about a quarter of a mile away and set alight.

Racist graffiti was also sprayed on the scoreboard when the incident took place overnight on Thursday.

Warwick Milne, club treasurer and chairman of The Bolton League, said: “This is very upsetting and a body blow to what is a community asset.

“We have a small number of hard-working volunteers who help keep not just this club, but many other clubs in the area, afloat. I’m afraid this is a further sad reflection on society. Whoever did this clearly came prepared.

“They have achieved nothing and caused damage to equipment and facilities which will cost the best part of £10,000 to replace.

“Yes, we are insured, but our premium will take a pounding in the future.”

Firefighters were called at 3.10am when a taxi driver spotted the fire. They reported it to police as being started deliberately.

The damage at the club was discovered at 7.45am on Friday by volunteer David Parkinson.

It is thought the thieves used bolt cutters to get into the garage in the early hours of the morning.

Police are investigating.

Mr Milne said: “We know we need to upgrade the garages and the scorebox at The Moss Bank Way end of the ground.

“This will cost over £25,000—a sum we just don’t have. Of course any help from businesses and supporters of the club would be a great help but we know the size of the task.

“Right now we are disheartened — this sort of thing defers our plans as opposed to derailing them. We will just have to work even harder.”