A DISABLED woman who saved her two young granddaughters from a house fire, has been told that she must foot the large clean-up bill, because she was not insured.

Denise Mayoh got her two granddaughters to safety when a blaze broke out in the upstairs bedroom of her home in Dyson Street, Farnworth, on May 26.

The blaze destroyed the contents of the bedroom and the ceiling, floors and window, and had spread to the bathroom by the time fire crews arrived.

Smoke from the blaze seriously damaged the rest of the house and its contents.

Landlord Bolton at Home has agreed to replace damaged windows in the front bedroom and landing and put a new light in the bathroom.

But Mrs Mayoh, who is disabled, will have to pay for redecoration and replace the contents of the house.

Mrs Mayoh, aged 47, said: "The council has told me it could cost between £500 and £700. I have had all my family round stripping the wallpaper to try and cut costs.

"I have to pay for it because I don't have any insurance through the council."

She is sleeping downstairs on her sofa because Bolton at Home has not yet fitted a new bedroom window.

Mrs Mayoh was babysitting for her granddaughters, Chloe and Coadie Corkhill, aged three and two, when a smoke alarm alerted her to the fire.

Mrs Mayoh, who normally uses a stairlift, ran upstairs and grabbed Chloe from the bathroom and took her to safety along with Coadie, who had been in the kitchen, when the alarm sounded at 11am.

A spokesman for Bolton at Home said that it had made Mrs Mayoh's home secure after the fire.

"Inspection visits identified no problems with the electrics, stair lift, or any major structural damage. Work to damaged window frames and plastering has been ordered with view to a speedy completion."