MORE than 2,500 small businesses in Bolton are being urged to act and meet their new workplace pensions duties or risk a fine.

The Pensions Regulator has sent letter to all of the businesses affected alerting of when their automatic enrolment duties start, and reminding them to act.

The automatic enrolment workplace pension scheme now features millions of workers saving for their retirement who were not saving before.

Research shows that most employers want to do the right thing by their staff but that smaller employers are more likely to leave things to the last minute. As the regulator deals with smaller employers, it is expected there will be more who leave it too late or do not take action at all. Failing to prepare on time risks avoidable compliance action.

Charles Counsell, executive director for automatic enrolment. said: “We are concerned that a minority of smaller employers are leaving things too late and struggling to comply on time.

"We expect that the vast majority will meet their duties on or ahead of time but we have been clear we do expect to use our statutory powers more in the months to come. Some employers will need an extra nudge of enforcement action in 2016 to get them over the line."

As part of the call to action, The Pensions Regulator has launched a TV campaign featuring furry character Workie with his ‘don’t ignore the workplace pension’ message.

Mr Counsell added: “Workie is back again this year on TV, radio and across social media to remind employers they cannot ignore the workplace pension. Our message to employers is to look out for letters from us and act on them."

Employers should start planning by using the regulator’s online duties checker which is part of a new online step by step guide

The checker tells employers specifically what duties apply to them and this means the regulator can send them information suitable for their circumstances.

Not all employers will have staff who need to be put into a pension scheme but they will still have duties to tell staff about automatic enrolment and complete a declaration of compliance. Anyone who receives a letter from the regulator but who does not employ any staff should still act by telling The Pensions Regulator. Failing to do this could trigger compliance action.