A DEAF businessman who has been hailed as a North West Enterprise Ambassador has been honoured by his home town.

Esmail Patel, director of the Deaf Education Advocacy Fellowship (DEAF), was presented with an accolade for diversity and enterprise at the Bolton Diversity Awards held at the Last Drop Hotel.

Earlier this year, Mr patel received a separate award from Greater Manchester Police for his hard work and dedication towards the force’s educational development.

He was behind a special course which allowed officers and staff to learn basic sign language.

As a result, they achieved a better understanding of how to effectively communicate with deaf people.

Mr Patel, whose use of British Sign Language is complemented by his lip-reading skills, was delighted with his latest award.

He said: “I was thrilled that my input as a deaf person was recognised in this way. I hope to be seen as a positive role model for other people in the deaf community.”

The businessman hopes his efforts will encourage deaf people to use the skills they have to achieve their potential, as well as making a difference in their workplaces and communities.

He added: “I am very pleased to be recognised as a North West Enterprise Ambassador and, in particular, being a representative for deaf and ethnic minority groups in a highly competitive hearing business world.”

Mr Patel was born deaf in 1983 and graduated from the University of Central Lancashire in 2006 with a combined honours degree in business information systems, criminology and career management.

He is currently completing a post-graduate diploma in education at the University of Bolton and studying for a certificate in Independent Advocacy from SignHealth.

DEAF is a community interest company which provides an advocacy service for deaf and disabled people and signposts them towards education and employment opportunities.

Sarah Bevan Fischer, head of the North West Region for Enterprise UK, said: “Esmail epitomises the entrepreneurial talent that is housed within the North West. He saw an opportunity to give back to his community and has grabbed it with both hands and been rewarded for his work as a result.”