All amateur boxers in England have been banned from fighting if they have a beard, after a review of the rules.

The decision was taken after the issue was raised at national level by a Bolton boxer and the Bolton Council of Mosques.

Mohammed Patel, aged 25, from Astley Bridge, was banned from fighting in his debut bout earlier this year unless he shaved.

Competition officials said it was because he was Muslim - the old rules only permitted Sikhs to box with a beard.

But instead of widening the rules to allow Muslim boxers with beards to fight, the Amateur Boxing Association of England has ruled that all boxers, regardless of their religion, must be clean shaven.

Bolton Council of Mosques spokesman Inayat Omarji said: "It will be of great interest to see if MPs and Sport England support the discriminatory ruling and to see what steps they are going to take to ensure that boxing is an inclusive sport."

Beards are outlawed in amateur boxing for reasons of health and safety. The ABAE said it was to prevent scuffing, scratching and eye injuries. The organisation voted on the rule change on Saturday.

Barry Jones, of the ABAE, said: "I'm anxious to stress that this is entirely a health and safety issue. It has nothing to do with any race issue."