More than 100 Year 9 and Year 10 girls from eight local secondary schools visited Bolton School for the launch of Chicago Bears’ Greater Manchester Girls’ Flag Football League, which will begin next month.

The pupils from All Hallows Roman Catholic High School, Irlam and Cadishead Academy, Moorside High School, Mount Carmel Roman Catholic High School, Oasis Academy Oldham, Trinity Church of England High School, Wright Robinson College and Bolton School Girls’ Division were introduced to the sport by GB, Salford Scorpions and Manchester Titans coaches.

Through a presentation and eight skills sessions, the girls learnt the basics of flag football - a non-contact version of American football and a new Olympic sport for 2028 - and were inspired to get involved with the sport and to join a team ahead of the league starting in April.

As Kenny Bello, GB interim director of youth flag football, said: “What better way to spend International Women’s Day?”