THE only place to start this week has to be the dreadful news from the Bolton League Twenty 20 match at Astley Bridge where teenage player Hashim Akhtar suffered a brain haemorrhage.

He was taken to hospital for surgery and remains there with the whole of the local cricket scene wishing him well.

Astley Bridge is a club I have never been to, despite driving past many times, nor know anyone connected with them.

As with all events of this nature, however, the number of well wishers and messages was amazing to see.

It is a far cry from the squabbles and nitpicking of the my-league-is-better-than-yours debate which seems to have dominated the first month or so of the season.

Maybe everyone will have now a bit more reasoned debate and respect wherever they're playing.

I'm sure this puts everything into perspective. We are all hopeful of a positive outcome.

On a personal note, I made two trips to Standish last week.

The first was to see Golborne pull off an unlikely 32-run win.

It was good to see our new professional in his first game. He scored 36 and took 3-6 – we are hopeful of an improvement this week!

Also remarkable was the catches our Golborne team took. Clearly the £1 drop fine is beginning to bite!

The second of my visits to Standish was to see Wigan Under-11s well beaten by their Bolton counterparts.

I guess the moral is don't go to Standish in any official capacity if you're trying to lose weight.

The teas are a delight and you are certainly in for an absolute treat if you go there this season.

I will return the tray at some point – empty, of course – of the lovely strawberry cream scones I smuggled out.