KEITH Andrews reckons it took just one phone call from Owen Coyle to convince him to snub Glasgow Celtic for Wanderers.

The Dubliner was officially verified as a Bolton player this afternoon after agreeing a three-year contract at the Reebok.

But he revealed that after being released by West Brom it took him no time at all to decide his future, even allowing for the lure of Champions League football North of the Border.

"Owen Coyle was straight on the phone making contact even before the Euros,” the midfielder said.

“He said he wanted to sign me and not on the basis of whether I’d have a good Euros or not. He said he wanted me to come and be a big player for them and that he wanted characters in the dressing room.”

The 31-year-old came close to joining Wanderers in January after handing a transfer request in at Blackburn Rovers. But when terms could not be agreed he signed a short-term deal with West Brom.

Now, a few months down the line, Andrews is convinced he has made the right move this time, as he aims to add steel to the Whites’ promotion push.

"He (Coyle) had an interest in me before but circumstances didn’t quite work out then,” he explained. “But when I spoke to him this time about what he wanted for the club he made it clear that the goal was to go straight back up into the Premier League — and stay there. So he really did sell the club to me very well and definitely made me feel wanted.

“I’d never really met him properly before. Obviously, I’d played against his teams and I’d always shake hands with him going off the pitch but any time I’d read about him or seen him in interviews he always struck me as a very passionate man who loves the game.

“So I’m looking forward to working for a new manager who obviously wants me. Hopefully, I’ll learn a lot from him and be a big player for Bolton."