Residents fear that an accident could happen if action is not taken around school parking issues in and around Astley Bridge.

It comes as those in the area highlighted their unease about parents parking outside schools where pathways were blocked, or children were not safe when crossing the road.

Parking on cycle lanes on Moss Bank Way was especially concerning to residents, due to three accidents only recently taking place involving schoolchildren.

Cllr Hilary Fairclough says that one of the pupils was very seriously injured.

One resident said: “Some of these parents will park facing oncoming traffic and open their door and let kids out on to the road.

“People with prams are also struggling to get past.

“The police should walk across during peak times and speak with the driver.”

Cllr Fairclough explained that the biggest issue around parking enforcement is that drivers have to fill forms in, and there is potential that a driver may drive off before this is done.

She said: “It makes it more difficult.

“It isn’t impossible because the road policing unit do go round the schools.

“But there are 146 schools, and they all need to be done, and unfortunately some parents really don’t care.

“The schools do their very best with their parking services.”

Another resident said that letters sent out to parents have not helped, and that they go ignored.

He said: “If you want to prevent an accident and for TfGM to drop the speed limits police need to go outside schools and an accident will be prevented very quickly.”

Some residents also said that it was also important for children to stay responsible too and for there to be more conversations with parents around the risks involved around parking.

Inspector Lisa Clarke said that the police now had a further 8000 officers and had more police in the force than at any other time, meaning they could get on with the job of neighbourhood policing.

Inspector  Clarke said: “We can’t do it everyday with the demand on policing, but we will work on it.

Schools will also include road safety as part of their input.

“We are doing work at the moment with Thornleigh School in September on safety with children.”

During a meeting between councillors, police and residents,  officers shared that following national concerns around speeding and motoring offences, several operations had been carried out locally covering speeding, on Belmont Road, Blackburn Road, Moss Bank Way.

Cllr Fairclough explained she had met with children at The Oaks Primary School where posters were created, and they are looking at ways that they can make the area safer.

The police and parking services will now be doing more patrols around schools to address the issue.

Residents are urged to report any incident no matter how small to the police, either by calling 101, or online.