What is DOMS?

DOMS is Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, which you may know as that pain a day or two after exercise which makes you move like Robocop!

Most of us will relate to this, from our first exercise session at the gym, a new class or training routine, or even that first session back after taking a break from the gym.

DOMS is not dangerous, it doesn’t mean you’ve done anything wrong (unless the pain is obviously much more severe) and anyone can get it no matter how fit you are.

DOMS is caused when your muscles are worked in a way that they are not used to, or when they are used in a way that they haven’t been used for more than a few weeks, although this varies from person to person.

If you try a new gym programme or class routine for the first time, therefore working your muscles in a new way then Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness may gradually start to kick-in over 24 hours and be at its most intense between 24-48 hours.

This pain that we feel is our muscles adapting. When we exercise, we put stress on our muscles which causes small tears in the muscle fibres, our muscles will then quickly adapt to make themselves stronger to prevent muscle damage. This is a good thing.

This pain will gradually subside over the following few days, how many days depends on a number of variables, for example, how active you are, how good your diet is, flexibility, age etc.

Once the muscles have recovered they will keep this improved strength for a few weeks. Regular exercise and also varying the exercises you do will ensure that your muscles continue to stay strong, get stronger and encourage your body to change in composition, i.e. reduce body fat percentage and increase lean muscle mass.

So, as the saying goes – Use it or lose it!